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时间:2024-04-23 22:52:04 浏览量:98240




cross crse的汉语意思?

cross英 [kr?s] 美 [kr?:s] 比较级:crosser最高级:crossest第三人称单数:crosses第三人称复数:crosses现在分词:crossing过去分词:crossed过去式:crossedcross 基本解释名词:十字架 十字形饰物 杂交品种 痛苦不及物动词:交错而行 横渡 越境及物动词:杂交 横跨,穿越 划掉 使相交形容词:坏脾气的, 易怒的 相反的,反向的cross 相关词组1. on the cross : 对角, 不老实, 不光明正大地;2. bear one"s cross : 忍受苦难;3. run cross to : 与...相反;

red cross的中文意思?


He performs the surgical operations at the Red Cross Hospital. 他在红十会医院施外科手术。An inter- national Red Cross vehicle had been hit by mine blasts in the area just a few weeks before 仅仅几星期以前,一辆国际红十字会的汽车在同一地区遇上地雷爆炸。Many mothers and fathers were thankful for news of their missing sons first brought to them by the Red Cross. 许多父母非常感激红十字会最先给他们带来了下落不明的儿子的消息。An Australian law firm has offered up a free divorce as a prize in a Red Cross auction to raise funds for victims of the Bali bombings